501(r) discounts

Unlock hidden savings with 501(r) discounts

Most hospitals are required to offer discounts based on member income. Goodbill guides members through the entire process — from screening, to application, to results.

Healthcare’s best-kept savings secret

More claims are eligible for 501(r) than you might think.

Average income under which a family of 4 qualifies for 501(r)
of U.S. hospitals are nonprofit and legally required to offer 501(r)
4 in 10
Claims we review that qualify for a 501(r) full or partial discount
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A 501(r) one-stop shop for plans and members

We guide members through the entire process in our secure portal.

Get screened.

Instantly check your eligibility for 3,500+ hospitals.


Complete the application we automatically started for you.

See results.

Sit back while we follow up with the hospital on your behalf.

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